本年も「横浜慶應チャレンジャー国際テニストーナメントsupported by 三田興産」を開催するはこびとなりました。国内外から将来有望な選手たちが集う本大会を、この慶應義塾において開催できますことを大変光栄に思います。横浜慶應チャレンジャーは、過去の出場選手たちが世界でめざましい活躍をみせており、まさに「世界への登竜門」の名にふさわしい大会となっております。出場選手の皆様が日頃の鍛錬の成果をいかんなく発揮され、横浜慶應チャレンジャーをきっかけに世界への道を切り拓いていかれることを願っております。また、本大会は国際大会では珍しく学生が主体となって大会を運営しております。学生は試合や練習、学業と両立しながら創意工夫を重ね、誠心誠意準備して参りました。文武両道を実践しながら、活動を通して人として成長していく学生たちをとても誇りに思います。またこれらの活動を多方面からご支援いただき、ご尽力を賜った関係者の皆様、特別協賛を頂いたミズノ株式会社様はじめ協賛各社の皆様に、慶應義塾を代表して心より御礼申し上げます。日吉キャンパス蝮谷テニスコートで繰り広げられる数々の熱い試合を通して、テニスの魅力がより多くの方々に伝わる機会となることを祈念するとともに、日本テニス界の発展に寄与する大会となりますことを期待し、ご挨拶とさせていただきます。
慶應義塾體育會庭球部が誇る「横浜慶應チャレンジャー」は2007年に起源を持ちますが、2023年「横浜慶應チャレンジャー国際テニストーナメント supported by 三田興産」となり、男子は第12回、女子は第6回の大会を迎えます。
Daisuke Okamoto
Vice Chairman of the Yokohama Keio Challenger International Tennis Tournament 2023
President of the Keio University Athletic Association Tennis Team
The Yokohama Keio Challenger International Tennis Tournament, the pride of the Keio University Athletic Association Tennis Team, has its origins in 2007, but it will become the "Yokohama Keio Challenger International Tennis Tournament supported by Mita Kosan" in 2023, marking the 12 th tournament for men and the 6 th tournament for women.
The world-class competition will be played in Mamushidani, Hiyoshi, Yokohama. I have always made it a point to visit the tournament since the first tournament before I became the President of the team, because it is such a great opportunity to see the world's top tennis players play so closely. There are many goods for sale and various events to look forward to. I would like to invite you all to watch this tournament, which is made possible by the members of Keio University Athletic Association Tennis Team members and many student volunteers. I am sure that the players who participate in this tournament will be able to spread their wings on the world stage.
Last but not least, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the many sponsors and members of the Keio Tennis Team Alumni Association for their cooperation in making the tournament possible. We wish the Yokohama Keio Challenger International Tennis Tournament 2023 a great success!
西山 麻比古
本年も国内外より多くの有望な若手選手が参加する「横浜慶應チャレンジャー国際テニストーナメント2023 supported by 三田興産」を開催するはこびとなりました。
Asahiko Nishiyama
Chairman of the Games Executive Committee
Chairman of the Keio University Athletic Association Tennis
Team’s OBOG Association
This year, we are once again holding the Yokohama Keio Challenger International Tennis Tournament 2023 supported by Mita Kosan, in which promising young athletes from all over the world participate.
The Men’s tournament has been held since 2007, while the women’s tournament has been held since 2017. Many athletes who have participated in the Games have shown remarkable success worldwide. It has truly become a gateway to the world's top tournaments, and is positioned to contribute greatly to the development of Japanese tennis. I hope this year's tournament will once again be greatly enlivened by the players' thrilling world class level of play.
With the support of the City of Yokohama, Keio University sponsors the tournaments with matches played on Keio tennis courts, with students of the Keio University Athletic Association Tennis Team taking the initiative in organizing the tournament. The students have arduously prepared for this year's event. I am confident that this years’ tournament will be another resounding success.
Last but not least, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the sponsors, including Mita Kosan Co., Ltd., the main sponsor of this the tournament, as well as to all the stakeholders and people who have given their support for the success of this tournament.
原 荘太郎
本年もスポンサー各社の皆様、関係者の方々にご協賛を頂きまして、『横浜慶應チャレンジャー国際テニストーナメント2023 supported by 三田興産』を開催する運びとなりました。学生が主体的に運営する大会ということで、学生たちの創造力、チャレンジャー精神を生かし、より一層魅力ある大会にしていきたいと思っております。